My Anthologize development fundraiser is going great so far – as of this writing, $870 has been pledged. Put that together with the generous match from CHNM, and you’ve got $1,740. This translates to over 23 hours of dev time. A huge thanks to those who have already made pledges – you’ll be hearing from me individually once the campaign is over on October 10.
Aside from some miscellaneous cleanup and compatibility issues, my first goal during the development period will be to get the plugin running better in more server environments. Our most reported bug is that Anthologize Exports time out due to memory limits. This is an especially vexing problem on inexpensive, shared hosting, which is what much of the Anthologize target audience uses for hosting their WordPress sites. I’ve started to sketch out a plan in this Github ticket for making Anthologize exports less memory-hungry.
It’s always hard to estimate these things, but I’m guessing that 23 hours will be enough to do the initial plugin cleanup, and to get most of the way toward the rewrite of the export process described above. That’s progress!
Remember, more pledges mean more development. If you want to see more fixes and enhancements to Anthologize, you’ve got until October 10 to donate.