If you install BuddyPress on an already thriving WordPress installation, you’ll notice that existing blog comments and posts are not inserted into the activity stream. This plugin fixes that.
Installation and use
- Upload the directory ‘/bp-import-blog-activity/’ to your WP plugins directory and activate from the Dashboard of the BP blog.
- Select Import Blog Activity from under the BuddyPress Dashboard menu, and click Import.
- Back up your database, or at least wp_bp_activity, BEFORE clicking Import!
- Do not use this plugin with a version of BuddyPress earlier than 1.2 – recorded times and other stuff may not work!
- On a big installation you might hit memory limits! If so, open bp-import-blog-activity-bp-functions.php, and find lines 38 ad 39. Uncomment them, and adjust the numbers (currently 12 and 30) to keep the plugin from looping through all the blogs on your system. Then change the numbers and repeat until you’ve looped through all your blogs
- Generally speaking, I don’t recommend that you use this plugin unless you know what it does and what you’re doing!! I’m posting it here for educational purposes only!!
Is that enough exclamation points for you?
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Version history
- 0.1 – March 2, 2010
- Initial release
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Is there any way to ban a specific blog for the blog activity importer. I am ussing sitewide tags plug in that creates a blog which repost all the post in all website, so each post is duplicated in the blog activity one for the original post an other for the automatic blog.
Gabri – Sure. Open up bp-import-blog-activity-bp-functions.php, and find the line (around 37) that reads
foreach( $blog_list as $blog ) {
On the next line, put the following
if ( $blog['blog_id'] < 12 ) continue;
Replace 12 with the id of your sitewide tags blog.
#2 thanks you very much.
Hey Boone,
Would you care to indicate which lines of code I could edit to use your plugin without having to enable Multi-Site?
I’m using “BuddyPress Activity Stream as Blog Comments” to use BP to handle comments on a simple participatory family archive website and need to add old posts to the stream in order for the system to work (hence your awesome plugin).
Hello again Boon,
I amended the plugin so that it works with both Multisite and Single site, and improved the posts query by using the WP_Query instead of query_posts, as well as fixed the user check that was faulty.
Would you be interested in updating your plugin on the repo if I send you the new code or would you rather I just post a new plugin (which would be a shame I think)?