Invite Anyone


Invite Anyone makes BuddyPress’s invitations features more powerful. The plugin has two components:

  1. The ability to invite members to the site by email. The plugin creates a tab on each member’s Profile page called “Send Invites”, which contains a form where users can invite outsiders to join the site. There is a field for a custom message. Also, inviters can optionally select any number of their groups, and when the invitee accepts the invitation he or she automatically receive invitations to join those groups.

    The email invitation part of the plugin is customizable by the BP administrator, via Dashboard > BuddyPress > Invite Anyone.

  2. By default, BuddyPress only allows group admins to invite their friends to groups. In some communities, you might want members to be able to invite non-friends to groups as well. This plugin allows you to do so, by populating the invitation checklist with the entire membership of the site, rather than just a friend list.

    Because member lists can get very long and hard to navigate, this plugin adds a autosuggest search box to the Send Invites screen – the same one that appears on the Compose Message screen – which allows inviters to navigate directly to the members they want to invite.

Some users have reported problems when the plugin is activated sitewide. If you are getting PHP errors on subdomain blogs when the plugin is activated across your WP installation, consider activating it only on the BuddyPress blog.

Download the plugin here.

Invite Anyone has been downloaded [downloadstat url=”” get=”total” autop=”false”] times. Are you using this plugin? Consider a donation.

Read an old comment thread related to this plugin here.

Translation credits

  • Dutch – Jesper Popma
  • Italian – Luca Camellini
  • French – Guillaume Coulon
  • Russian – Jettochkin

Version history

0.6.5 – July 10, 2010
Workaround for “headers already sent” issue on group invites
Fixed a number of variable type problems with email invitation pages
0.6.4 – July 7, 2010
Fixed bug that kept item group invitations from being sent
Fixed bug that prevented Send Invites profile tab from being hidden when access control was set to Administrator
0.6.3 – May 12, 2010
Fixed bug that showed non-activated users in group invitation list on some instances of single WP
Fixed bug that limited number of displayed groups on invite by email screen
Cleaned up the appearance of the group list on the invite by email screen
Fixed bug that may have cause foreach problem in email invitation
0.6.2 – May 8, 2010
Fixed bug that kept group invitation member ddst from being populated on some non-MU setups
Fixed bug that kept non-admins from seeing Send Invites group tab
Fixed bug that prevented JS and CSS from loading on invitation step in group creation
Fixed bug that caused email fields not to load properly in IE – thanks, techguy!
Added do_action hooks for other plugins (eg Cubepoints) to access
Added filter on acceptance URL and action hook before accept invitation screen for plugins to access
0.6.1 – April 27, 2010
Added checks to allow email invitations to work when groups component is disabled
Fixed l18n bugs in error messages
French translation added – thanks, Guillaume!
Russian translation added – thanks, Jettochkin!
Updated translations

0.6 – April 23, 2010
Plugin now includes a widget for email invitation from any page
Sent Invites sortable by email address, date invited, date
Invites can be cleared from Sent Invites list: individually, all accepted, all invitations
Created admin controls over who group admins/mods/members can invite to groups
Admins can now allow customization of invitation’s main message but still have control over a non-editable footer
CSS issues fixed

0.5.2 – April 12, 2010
Added Italian translation (thanks, Luca!)
Removed “Want to invite…” prompt from Send Invites screen during group creation
Attempted a fix for certain in_array errors in css/js loader file

0.5.1 – April 9, 2010
Fixed bug with subject/message content when email is returned as an error
Fixed error with email error messages when no groups were selected
Changed width of textareas on Invite New Members tab

0.5 – April 9, 2010
Enabled Opt Out option for invitees
Subject line is now customizable by the admin
Admin can toggle whether users can customize subject line and message body of invitation emails
Some localization bugs fixed
Filtered spammers from group invitation list
Fixed bug that may have caused problems with some MU limited email domain lists
Email Address field is now auto-populated on Accept Invitation screen
Created admin toggle for group invites attached to email screen
Added hook for additional fields on Invite New Members screen (as well as a hook for processing the additional data)

0.4.1 – April 5, 2010
Fixed problem with email validation causing fatal errors on single WP
Fixed bug that allows members to see Send Invites tab on profiles other than their own

0.4 – April 5, 2010
New feature: Invite by email from the new Send Invites profile tab
Links from group invite pages to profile Send Invites tab
Removed “Send Invites” button during group creation on BP 1.2+
Created admin panel for managing plugin settings

0.3.5 – March 30, 2010
Corrected localization function (d’oh)
Added Dutch translation – thanks, Jesper!

0.3.4 – March 29, 2010
Added POT file and localization function

0.3.3 – March 16, 2010
Fixed bug that kept non-active users from appearing in member list

0.3.2 – March 2, 2010
Made it possible to use the plugin with friends component turned off (thanks for the idea, Tim!)
Turned off Site Wide Only to remove PHP errors on some subdomain blogs (thanks for the feedback, Mark!)

0.3.1 – March 1, 2010
When creating a group and not inviting anyone, success message now reads “Group successfully created” rather than “Invites sent” (thanks for the idea, Ray!)

0.3 – February 27, 2010
Compatibility with BP 1.2 bp-default; file rearrangement to ensure proper loading with BP 1.2+

Compatibility with BP 1.2 bp-classic theme (bp-default forthcoming); bugfixes regarding file locations

Initial release

236 thoughts on “Invite Anyone

  1. Rune


    Is there a way to make this plugin work in a single user WP + BP installation?
    I tried to install it, and it seems to be working except for the last part, the sending of the invitations. I’m running a small community site with Friends disabled, and I would really like to be able to make use of this plugin’s features.


  2. Pingback: Teleogistic / Big new version of Invite Anyone for BuddyPress

  3. Stef


    Love this plugin. But I’ve noticed a bug.
    Sending via email to join the site is working great .. but the invite for a group isn’t working.


  4. Boone Gorges Post author

    Hi Stef – Do you mean that the invitations are not getting sent at all? In other words, invited users are able to register but they don’t get the group invitations that were sent to them? Do friendship invitations work properly?

    Version of the plugin + BP + WP would be helpful too.

  5. Stef

    Hi Boone,

    The friendship invitations are working fine for me. Though one member recieved the following error.
    Not quite sure what that means.. But I don’t think this is a bug in the plugin. If you know a sollution for this.. I would be very happy.

    In the buddpress notifications (admin bar) there is an message for the group invite after the users registration.
    But there isn’t an email with an invite for a group. Or isn’t this a feature?

    Thanks anyway for your reply.
    I’m using Buddypress 1.2.3 & WPMU 2.9.2


  6. Boone Gorges Post author

    Hi Stef – When the new invited member goes to his/her profile -> Groups, is there an Invites tab with group invitations on it? In other words, are the invitations themselves actually being send (which means that the problem is with the email notification) or are the BP notifications the only thing that’s happening?

    As for the error you posted a screenshot of – it might be due to my plugin, at least in concert with a particular kind of list of limited email domains from Dashboard > Site Admin > Options. I’ve put a fix in the trunk version of the plugin, which you should see the next time I tag a new version.

  7. Pingback: Anti-Social Networking « Socializing the Network

  8. Mikael Lemberg

    I’m having a few problems with the plugin.

    The “Select members from the directory” box never seems to have any members in it and when I search for people and choose them they appear twice in the list to the right.

    Any idea what I am doing wrong?

  9. Boone Gorges Post author

    Mikael – can you tell me a bit more about your setup? BP/WP (and Invite Anyone) versions, other BP plugins you are running. How many members does your site have? Is it a fresh install of WP/BP, or did you install BP after your WP site was active for some time? Have you tried admin and non-admin accounts to see if the problem arises everywhere?

  10. Mikael Lemberg

    I am running WP 2.9.2, BP 1.2.3 and Invite 0.5.1.

    I have the problem with both admins and regular members.

    It’s a fresh install with only two members and a custom theme based on Pagelines’ White House Pro theme.

    Besides that I currently have these active plugins:

    BP Include Non-member Comments
    BuddyPress Template Pack
    Group Activity Subscription

  11. Boone Gorges Post author

    Mikael – Sorry to ask an obvious question, but is it possible that the other member on your installation is already a member of the group? The list on the Send Invites page won’t show people who are already members of the group. Try creating a fresh user.

  12. Andre

    Does the plugin work with WP 2.9.2?
    I see in some of the comments above that WP 2.9.2 is used, but on the download page WPMU is a minimum requirement.

  13. Boone Gorges Post author

    Andre – I believe that the plugin works on WP single 2.9.2. I know the email invitation part does, anyway. Try it out, and let me know whether you’re successful. If so, I’ll change the minimum requirements to reflect it.

    1. Boone Gorges Post author

      Hi Juan – Sorry for the delay in my response – Akismet ate your comments 🙂

      Send the translation to my email account, which is my Twitter handle (as you can see in the left-hand column of my blog) at Thanks!

  14. Andre

    Hi Boone – tried it …mostly works, but the invitation did not replace the variables so the actual email received by friends looks like this:

    You have been invited by %INVITERNAME% to join the community.

    Visit %INVITERNAME%’s profile at %INVITERURL%.

  15. Juan Manuel


    It’s because the actual variable names you have to use are %%INVITERNAME%%, %%INVITERURL%%, etc. In other words, you have to use two % simbols 😉

  16. Boone Gorges Post author

    Andre – thanks for the feedback. I think I know the problem – I’ll address it in an update soon.

    morteza – Log onto your site via FTP and navigate to the plugins folder (probably wp-content/plugins). Rename the folder invite-anyone to invite-anyone-backup. Then try reloading your blog.

  17. Mikael Lemberg

    Hey Boone!

    No, that’s not the reason. Both users are ones that I have created myself, so I have tried this option.

  18. Wesley Shaw

    Brilliant work as always.

    How hard would it be to create a widget for this plugin so folks could invite people from the sidebar? I think this would get a lot more people to notice the feature.


  19. Mike

    Might be something I’m completely overlooking but I’m at my wits ends. I am testing out BP on a single WP 2.9.2 install, installed at a sub-domain of my site. (As a replacement for a NING network) It works, and everything seems to be ok. I really like the idea on Invite Anyone, but when I go to change the settings of the plugin, or try to send email invites, I get this 400 error. If you have any idea at all I’d love to hear it! Thanks!

    Error 400: Bad Request

    Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.

    Probable reasons are:

    * You sent a plain HTTP request to an SSL-enabled server port. Instead please use the HTTPS protocol to access this URL, like this:
    * You made a typo in the request, e.g., typed a comma instead of a colon. Please re-check the URL.

    Please contact your webmaster if you are not sure what goes wrong.

  20. Boone Gorges Post author

    Mikael – No idea. The plugin pulls an entire list of users from the wp_users table and displays those who are not a member of the group.

    Wesley – In the next release I plan to include a widget or something like that which will allow site admins to put Send Invites links wherever they’d like. Great idea.

    Mike – Sounds like it’s an SSL issue. Are you running your WP admin screens on https? What’s your host?

  21. Mike


    No I’m not running through htps, should I be? For testing purposes I just ran a basic straight forward install of the single version of WP, and don’t currently have SSL enabled on the domain, since I haven’t needed it for other WP blogs I run. Would that be a problem?

  22. Boone Gorges Post author

    Mike – no, there’s no reason why you should be using an SSL. It’s just that your error seems to be due to your host complaining that something in my plugin is requesting something over HTTP when it should be using HTTPS. (BTW, I find this especially strange because the plugin doesn’t actually request any information via HTTP *or* HTTPS – everything is done via the internal WP API.)

    Are you running a lot of other plugins? Have you experienced similar problems anywhere else on your installation?

  23. Mike

    I’m going on the assumption that my host requires some part of the plugin related to sending email from the site to run through SSL or something. I can use the plugin to invite anyone to a group (and sending that email notification works, oddly enough), but any effort to tweak the email settings, or sending an email invitation results in the error.

    I even tried it as the second plugin, after BP, on an MU install after deciding that maybe I wanted to test that out too, so can’t really be a conflict!

    Oh well, I’ll have to try something else to get members to invite their friends, maybe add the Add-to-any button to the front page or come up with some sort of form. Looks like a great plugin though!

  24. Wesley Shaw

    Boone: the new widget seems to be working great. No hitches encountered yet. I just added a little clunky CSS to keep the boxes from running flush into the right side of my sidebar (looked OK in Chrome, but not in Safari or Firefox). Will let you know if I run into any problems. Thanks much for the great plugin and super-speedy responses on this forum.

  25. Jacek

    Hi, love the plugin.

    Wesley, can you please share the CSS with us. I’ve got the same problem with the e-mail text boxes running into my sidebar. And I’m somewhat clueless as to what to edit / change.

    Thanks a mill.
    – J

  26. Boone Gorges Post author

    Jacek – I fixed this yucky CSS issue in the next version of the plugin, which I should be launching in the next day or two. Watch your Plugins page for an update message!

  27. Wesley Shaw

    Jacek: I’m sure Boone’s done better than my hackish-CSS, and I’m away from my office, so I’ll encourage you to use his CSS (as I will, too). I don’t want to break your site, too (grin).

  28. gunfios

    Love your plugin but, like others the %%INVITERNAME%% etc does not seem to operate as expected. Latest version of your plugin and BP and WP 3.0 beta. Everything else is fine. Can you help please?

  29. Boone Gorges Post author

    gunfios – I just updated the plugin to version 0.6. Upgrade and see if it solves your problem. If not, let me know and maybe I can help troubleshoot.

  30. gunfios

    Thank you so much Boone. Superb service. Everything works fine now. On day I’ll return the favour.

  31. Mikael Lemberg

    I have another question regarding this plugin.

    I am using the plugin WP215 for showing custom ads on my site, and one of these ads I’d like to be a link to the invite new users function (like However this link is obviously not the same for all users, as their username is a basic part of it. My challenge is that due to the nature of the WP125 plugin I can’t use in the ad URL, so how am I going to link the ad to the invite page in a way that works for all users?

    Can anyone figure out a workaround for this problem?

  32. Boone Gorges Post author

    Mikael – I have never used that plugin, so I’m not exactly sure what you’re trying to do. But you should be able to dynamically generate a link to the Invite Anyone page as follows:
    $link = bp_loggedin_user_domain() . 'invite-anyone';

  33. Mikael Lemberg

    Sorry I missed a word. The question was supposed to read:

    “My challenge is that due to the nature of the WP125 plugin I can’t use _PHP_ in the ad URL”

    So that rules out the solution you suggested right?

  34. Boone Gorges Post author

    Aha – yes, that does make it trickier. I assume that the ads are inserted with Javascript? In theory it’d be possible for you to use Javascript to either get the correct URL from the server using AJAX, or to concatenate it out of the current page URL using jQuery or something like that. Would take a bit of playing around, though.

  35. Becky

    Great plugin, but I have this problem when I tried to send an invite through email invitation. Please help. Thanks.

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/public_html/wp-content/plugins/invite-anyone/by-email/by-email.php on line 760

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/public_html/wp-content/plugins/invite-anyone/by-email/by-email.php:760) in /home/public_html/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 868

  36. Becky

    Thanks Boone, the error is gone. But I still couldn’t invite anyone through email. It keeps saying that “You didn’t include any email addresses!”

    I have inserted 1 email address – i tried with the option of 10 and then only 1 email permitted for each time, neither worked. I am using the latest BP and WPMU 2.9.2

  37. Boone Gorges Post author

    Becky – Are you running any other BP plugins? It sounds like there might be a conflict that is causing the form post not to go through. Do group forum topics work? How about changing and saving your profile settings?

  38. Becky

    Hi Boone,

    Group Forum Topic works fine. I am having issues with BP Groupblog too, dashboard won’t show up.

    I have the following plugins activated sitewide:

    Buddypress Album+
    Buddypress Profile Privacy
    Smart Youtube
    Facebook Dashboard Widget
    BP MyFriends Widget
    BP Groupblog
    Welcome Pack

    The following plugins activated on main blog:

    Contact Form 7
    Google XML sitemap
    Invite Anyone
    Login Lockdown
    Next Gen Gallery
    Peter’s Login Redirect
    Really Simple Captcha
    SI Captcha Anti Spam
    Visitor Maps and Who’s Online
    Wordpress File Monitor
    WP DB Manager
    WP Hide Dashboard

    Boone, what should I change in the Profile Settings?

    The invite to other members works well though.

  39. Boone Gorges Post author

    Becky – Very strange. I’m having a hard time reproducing it. How much do you know about PHP? If I told you where to paste a little bit of code for testing, so that you could report the restuls back to me, would you do it?

    Steve – The accept-invitation page is built on top of the registration page, and it looks like you have registration for your site turned off. BP is set to redirect attempts to visit the register page when registrations are turned off. You’ll have to switch it on at Site Admin > Options (for WPMU) or Settings > General (non-MU).

  40. Stef

    Hi Boone,

    Plugin is working great here..
    But I have one question:

    Is it also possible that the receiver of the invitation can see who is inviting him?

    For example in the subject field of the email:
    is inviting you to join


  41. Stef

    the comment didn’t pick up all the text..

    I meant..
    For example in the subject field of the email:
    (firstname) (lastname) is inviting you to join (sitename)

  42. Boone Gorges Post author

    Hi Stef. Absolutely. Visit Invite Anyone admin panel (Dashboard > BuddyPress > Invite Anyone). Use the wildcard definitions near the top of the page to define whatever custom subject you’d like. For instance:
    %INVITERNAME% is inviting you to join Stef’s Site

    You can also make the subject line editable by end-users, who could then make the subject line into whatever they’d like.

  43. Stef

    another question.. is it also possible that I can change the url of the plugin?

    instead of: /invite-anyone to /uitnodigen

  44. Boone Gorges Post author

    Hi Stef – Yes, you can do that. I notice that right now there’s an error in the code that means you’ll have to make the change in two places, but in the future it will be just in one place.
    1) In your bp-custom.php,
    define( 'BP_INVITE_ANYONE_SLUG', 'uitnodigen' );

    2) In by-email/by-email.php, change ‘invite-anyone’ on line 54 to whatever you’d like.

    In future versions, only (1) will be necessary.

    Please be sure to test this feature extensively. I haven’t done a lot of testing myself, so I’m not 100% positive that the change will work everyone (and that it won’t break any links). Thanks!

  45. Stef

    works perfect! thanks..

    Just one small issue with the localization.

    After accepting the invitation.. the registration appears with the following message.

    I’m not sure where I can remove remove the ‘by’ and change the ‘and’ into ‘en’.

    I have this covered in the translation of buddypress and the theme translation.

    Pretty weird huh?
    Do you have any ideas?

  46. Becky

    Hi Boone,

    I did a re-install of my website and the plugin works fine now. I still use all the other plugins (except for bp groupblog plugin)and there doesn’t seem to be any conflict on a fresh install. So I guess, bp groupblog must have somehow messed up my site. Because after further testing, some of the other plugins didn’t work as well. That’s why I have to re-install. Luckily it’s a new site.

    Thanks very much for this fantastic plugin 🙂

    On another plugin which you have developed (equally fantastic) is the group email plugin. This may not be the right place to post but just wanted to ask a quick question – the site admin was able to send group email under any group but the group admin has been unable to send any email notification out. Is there something I can check on to see if the plugin has been installed correctly?

  47. Becky

    O, just to add, when an email is sent out by the site admin, there is a message to say that the email has been sent successfully. When the group admin sends an email out, there is no such message. There is no error message either. The activity notification works fantastically.

  48. rob

    If you disable groups for entire site. Plug throws errors when ever inviting. always bombs on

    Class ‘BP_Groups_Group’ not found in /plugins/invite-anyone/by-email/by-email.php on line 573

    I don’t have groups enabled for the site. Is there a quick fix for the plug to stop looking for groups enabled?

  49. Giovanni


    Great plugin! It almost has everything I need. I was wondering if you had in mind adding a number of invites limit?

    I’d like for my members to have only 5 invitations each and as they become more active, I would extend that number.

    Also, a good idea is to have a reporting in the backend that will allow an easy viewing of who is the person that sends most invites and gets most invites accepted.

    I’m sure it’s not difficult I just don’t know WP syntax and no time to learn … little by little I’m learning! I know how to do that with mySQL and PHP but it would be bad coding. =)

    Thanks again and I’d love to know if you would consider making this changes. I would be willing to pay.

  50. linda

    Hi, I’ve just installed Buddypress and invite-anyone and am trying to test the email invite function.
    I’m sending the email invites and getting confirmation that they have been successfully sent – they are just not arriving! (I know because they are my own alternative addresses.)
    Does anyone know if there are any Buddypress settings which might be liable to cause this?
    I have WordPress 2.9.2 with no other plugins as yet.

    1. Boone Gorges Post author

      Hi Linda. Are you having problems with any other BP emails? When a new user registers for an account, does the verification email come through? Do email notifications of private messages work? Etc. Have you checked spam folders? Invite Anyone uses the same email functions as the rest of BP, so it’s unlikely that the problem is specific to IA.

  51. Stef

    Hi Boone,

    Another question.
    How do I set the language to dutch in Invite Anyone?
    Actually I have this questions for all my plugins. I just can’t get them to dutch. 🙂


  52. Boone Gorges Post author

    Hi Stef – Do you have your WordPress language set as Dutch? Plugins like Invite Anyone *should* just inherit their language settings from the WordPress setting.

  53. Boone Gorges Post author

    Rob – I will make this fix and release a bugfix very soon.

    Giovanni – Both great ideas. I will try to put them in version 0.7 of the plugin.

  54. Max Rapp

    Hi Boone,

    Wonderful plugin! After a lot of searching, I finally found your plugin which allows for users with a specific title to invite people. I would like to note however, that when set to “Administrator” I could still send invites as a normal “Subscriber”, however, when the limitation was set to “Editor” the ability to send invitations as a Subscriber vanished.

    This is not a problem for me since I only have administrators and subscribers. I just wanted to let you know. I am running wp3 and bp1.2.5

  55. Boone Gorges Post author

    Max & Joseph – Thanks for pointing this out! It was a silly error I’d made in the code, which is fixed with version 0.6.4.

  56. AntonRSA

    Thanks for the awesome plugin Boone!

    I have one problem….When sending out invites from a group, this is displayed after you click the send invites button and selected a couple of members from the directory: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by…

  57. Boone Gorges Post author

    Thanks, Anton. Others on the forums have noticed the same thing. I just published 0.6.5, a bugfix for this very issue. Hope it works for you!

  58. Boone Gorges Post author

    John – Can you be more specific? I just downloaded a fresh version from the repo and it seems to be working fine. What problem are you experiencing?

  59. AntonRSA

    Another bug….Once again…I’m finding all of them

    When an Invitation is sent and the user has to click on the final registration email link, this is displayed: Call to undefined function friends_add_friend()

    1. Boone Gorges Post author

      Do you have the friends component turned off? (I don’t think the plugin checks to make sure that it’s turned on before attempting to establish friendships.)

  60. Wesley Shaw

    Hey Boone.

    Having a little trouble: the invites are sent perfectly to the new users, but when they register, the group invites aren’t there. The sender of the invites doesn’t show any outstanding invites on his or her list, either. I’ve been playing with a lot of plug ins on this install, and I’m wondering if perhaps I’ve got some relic in my db that is causing this problem. Any thoughts?

  61. Wesley Shaw

    Sorry, should have included this:

    WPMU: 2.9.2
    Buddypress: 1.2.3

    Just tested, and the group invites to current members works fine.

  62. Marco Raaphorst

    Thanks a lot for this excellent plugin! I have a suggestion though, a tip I got from our users:
    When you invite people from the list they will appear in the right window and most people are expecting an invite is send straight away so they forget to scroll all the way down to the bottom to push the button Send Invites. To fix it: imo that bottom should be placed close to the selection box so people know they need to press it to send the Invites.

  63. Eric Caplain

    The form on the /register/accept-invitation/ page has action=””. Submitting it just reloads the page with no processing or messages, I’ve been unsuccessful understanding how the form submission is handled and could really use some guidance on debugging this.

  64. Matt Edminster

    Hey Boone, your plugin is just what I’ve been looking for to help populate our new site but I’ve run into a significant problem recently.

    Having sent out invitations to a number of potential users, I am getting reports from all of those who reply that after completing registration, they meet with either a 404 page or an error telling them to manually enter their activation code. I attempted to recreate the problem with a dummy account and entered the code supplied in the url for the activation code … with no result.

    Do you have any idea why this might be happening? I’m running other plugins as well but nothing that deals with the registration functions.

  65. Boone Gorges Post author

    Matt – So you mean they’re able to register successfully, but *after* registration are led to the activate page? What version of BP/WP? Multisite?

  66. Matt Edminster

    That’s right. The only missing step is activation. Profiles show up as complete as they were formed during the registration process. But the user is unable to login to use their new profile.

    I’m running the latest distributed versions of both WP and BP on a single blog install. But come to think of it, I did try to switch over the multisite two weeks ago and was stopped (apparently) by a glitch which won’t allow sites older than a week to switch over to Multisite. Might that attempt have screwed me up?

  67. Matt Edminster

    After a good bit of testing, I think the problem is in fact coming from Invite anyone. My guess based on my reading of the support forum is that this is associated with the automatic friending mechanism. I’ve disable friends and replaced it with followers so this is definitely one place where I can see a conflict.

    BTW – I think you’re right that a simple if_exists condition ought to take care of that problem. Not sure about the activation errors though. Can’t see the connection.

  68. Boone Gorges Post author

    Aha, if you’ve deactivated the Friends component, that’s probably the problem. I’ll have a look over the next few days and see if I can release a bugfix to solve that issue.

  69. Boone Gorges Post author

    Hi Matt and Anton,

    I got around to having a look at the friends thing. It’s strange – there was already a check to see whether the friends component was active; though it was a deprecated check, it still should have worked.

    In any case, I’ve updated the trunk of the plugin to triple-check for the friends component. Also, as a bonus, I added support for bp-followers. When the invited user accepts the invitation, they’ll start following each other automatically if Followers is activated.

    Would one or both of you mind checking out the trunk version and testing to see whether your problem is solved, before I tag a new stable version? Thanks.

  70. Matt Edminster

    Wish I could agree!

    All’s well with registration but it looks as if BP-Follow has been disabled for the new user. Even though it is still an active plugin on my install, all following links were removed from the new user’s menus.

    Upon logging in with an admin account, following links initially didn’t load until I visited my profile. Are you getting this too Anton?

  71. Boone Gorges Post author

    Matt – Very, very perplexing. What I’ve changed in IA shouldn’t (can’t) affect the display of followers. Are you sure that IA is causing this problem?

  72. Stig Ulfsby

    I have translated the plugin to norwegian using the plugin Codestyling Localization, but it still comes in english. The rest of the site is in norwegian except this plugin. There was a message from Codestyling Localization saying:
    “Loading Issue: Author is using load_textdomain instead of load_plugin_textdomain function. This may break behavior of WordPress, because some filters and actions won’t be executed anymore. Please contact the Author about that.”
    Can this cause the problem?

  73. RJ

    Is your plugin compatible with wp3.0.1 and BP 1.2.6?

    According to the WP plugin installation popup IA is requires WordPress Version: WPMU 2.8, BuddyPress 1.1 or higher and Compatible up to: WPMU 2.9.2, BuddyPress

  74. Boone Gorges Post author

    RJ – The plugin should work with those versions, yes. I’ll update the plugin info soon.

    German – Awesome!! I can’t wait to see what you do with the plugin. If you’ve got anything really cool (or any fixes) please feel free to send a pull request or a patch.

  75. Sheila

    Hello, I would like to change some of the words in the Invite Anyone plugin. For example: It states Send an Invite to friends…. I would like to add additional words. How would I change the words?

  76. Sheila

    I am trying to find out how to change some of the wording in the Invite Anyone plugin. For example, at the beginning of the plugin it states: Invite Friends to join in the form below or words like that. I would like to change these words. How would I do this?

    1. Boone Gorges Post author

      Thanks for the translation, Birgit! Would you mind if I distributed it with Invite Anyone (with proper attribution, of course!) so that others could benefit from it?

  77. RJ

    Hi Boone.

    I want to add a link to the invitation sending page “invite-new-members” in the custom menu. What should I do?

  78. Siva

    Hi, I am using WordPress 3.0.3 and Buddypress 1.2.6. I installed this plugin and tried to send invitations to 5. It didnt throw any messages once I clicked the Send button. Also I didnt receive the invitations sent! What’s happening? Could somebody please educate and help me on this?

  79. Webkeeper

    Have this plugin installed on a 3.0.4 / BP 1.2.7 website and notice that recepients are not receiving the invitation. I don’t receive any errors after clicking to send the invite.
    Also is there any reason I can see the widget in Firefox but not in IE?
    Any responses appreciated.

  80. Jesse A.

    Loving this plugin. Really slick. Would like to have a way, as the site Admin, to see which members are using it and who is recruiting the most new members. Would be great to run a campaign or competition among members. But so far I don’t see how I could know who was recruiting the most new members. Does this exist? If not could you consider adding it to future releases. Many thanks and great work!

  81. Eliot D.

    Invite Anyone is making our group management on a new system much easier. However, I’m running into a problem that I cannot tell whether it is from Invite Anyone or Group Management or Group Blog in BuddyPress. We are only using the list view, not email sends. When group members accept the invitation, they are added to the group, but the group membership isn’t updated on the blog. Just trying to sort out which part of the system is possibly causing this behavior. Any suggestions appreciated.

  82. Christian Z.

    First, Invite Anyone is great. But I do have the same problem Wesley Shaw had. Invitation by email works well but the group and friend invitation is not send nor displayed at the site.
    Is this a known bug or do you have a quick solution for my problem? I really need this function.
    Thanks a lot

    WordPress: 3.0.4
    Buddypress: 1.2.7

  83. Christian Z.

    Now I looked at my database and found out that table wp_bp_invite_anyone is empty. Now I know why it says that I haven’t sent any emails yet at sent emails.
    I really wonder why that doesn’t work.

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  86. Sandro


    i’ve installed the plugin. i’ve sent some invitations but they don’t seem to arrive. tested it by inviting myself, but didnt arrive either
    any help ?

  87. sandro

    Hi !

    i’ve installed the plugin but it doesnt work. ie invitations dont get at the destinations. moreover, after making 2, i cant add any new ones…

  88. sandro

    Hi Gorges !

    just a little issue about the plugin itself. it works very well but the last question “Profile Details (required) ” confuses many people. in fact, many people stop at that point as they dont know what to complete. as the use of it is to me doubtfull, could it be taken out, or automatically be completed with the first name of the applicant ?

    thanks for ur help



  89. George

    Hello, I installed the plugin and tried sending an invite email to one of my email accounts, and it says that the email was sent successfully. I go to my email and there is no email received. I check spam, still nothing. I have sent it to 3 email addresses and none work.
    Thank you for the assistance.
    My versions:
    WP: 3.1
    BP: 1.2.8
    Invite Anyone: 0.8.3

  90. Ethan

    I can’t find any information for the spanish translation.
    Can someone please help me?
    Email me if you can help me out translation the invite anyone plugin to spanish. Much appreciated.

  91. Juan F.

    Is there to re-send all invitations that are still pending unansered? I believe all invitations are sent correctly, but many times the can go to spam box or simply be deleted or forgotten. Being able to re-send all seems like a nice reminder. I only see “delete” in the bulk actions.

    Is there a relatively easy way to send all again?


  92. Pingback: BuddyPress på svenska | Blog | Svenska språkfiler till BuddyPress plugins

  93. steve

    Hi, I recently installed the plug in and think it is great. I would like to style the invite page but can’t seem to find the index in my install? Is it a page in the plug in folder?
    Any help appreciated.

  94. Pingback: Building a Community Site with BuddyPress – Part 2

  95. Rune


    I have installed Invite Anyone and activated account with cloudsponge..

    When i do invites the system does not register already sent invites, i am directed into the sent invites tab but it says no invites has been sent..

    But they are sent, that is checked.


  96. Paul Nerger

    Hi, I’m having a problem. My log file has the message:

    WordPress database error Table ‘happtiqu_wrd1.wp_bp_invite_anyone’ doesn’t exist for query SELECT COUNT(*) FROM wp_bp_invite_anyone made by require_once, do_action, call_user_func_array, invite_anyone_migrate_nag

    I get this whenever I send an invite even though things look like they are functioning properly. The table wp_bp_invite_anyone does not exist and the email is not being sent. I read the note that this table is used for migration only and can be safely deleted, but I’m not migrating.

    Any suggestions?



  97. Brent

    Hi Boone,

    Is there an easy way to disable the e-mail part of this plugin? I just want a way for the group admins to invite site users to their group. (If you know of a plugin that allows a group admin to bypass the invitation, and just add the user to the group, that would be even better, but I can’t find a plugin that will do that).


  98. Boone Gorges Post author

    Brent –

    Is there an easy way to disable the e-mail part of this plugin?

    Yes. Go to Dashboard > BuddyPress > Invite Anyone (in the Network Admin on multisite) and click the Access Control tab. Set it so that only Admins can send email invitations.

    If you know of a plugin that allows a group admin to bypass the invitation, and just add the user to the group, that would be even better

  99. Krung Thep

    MU Installation – Buddypress and BB Forum
    Wordpress 3.2
    In Posts and Pages of the admin panel in the media library pop-up the following warning is displayed:
    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/porticob/public_html/wp-admin/includes/media.php:305) in /home/porticob/public_html/wp-content/plugins/invite-anyone/by-email/by-email.php on line 393

    In the admin panel Module Invited Groups the id is displayed instead of the group name etc.

  100. Kim

    I had this plugin installed and working perfectly, but today I went to a group to try to invite someone and it is not longer working. It will say that the person has been invited but they have not. I assume this happened with either a wordpress or buddypress update. Any thoughts?

  101. Krung Thep

    I heard nothing we checked all files removed empty lines below the last closing tag in the plugin and also wordpress admin files, the plugin is installed only in forum.
    So all the cases that are here mentioned do not fit with header error displayed. Just curious I would like to know if anybody else has this issue?

  102. Art

    Thanks for all your work on BuddyPress extensions.

    We are having a problem with invite anyone not sending out invitations for group membership – no email and no notifications and no messages or any other indications.

    We running WP 3.2; BP 1.2.9; IA 0.9.3

    New member invites working fine and all other emails are also.

    I’ve noticed this problem in other posts here but did not see a potential solution.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance for your help.


  103. Paul

    Similar issue, latest versions of WP and BP, email invites are not being sent/delivered despite showing that they were. Otherwise a fantastic implementation. Hopefully a diagnosis/fix soon.

    1. Boone Gorges Post author

      Paul – Are other BP emails being sent? IA uses the same wp_mail() function to send emails as the rest of BuddyPress and WordPress. Also, check spam folders.

  104. Claudio

    I have a problem with the plugin because says that the email that I write inside the form are not valid addresses
    But it’s not true

    You can try i the website that I wrote up


  105. Krung Thep

    The last update blew the group members that are not listed anymore when selecting them in the left checkbox panel. We rolled back now it works again.

  106. Margarete Koenen

    I upgraded to BuddyPress 1.5 and installed ‘Invite Anyone’. I then tried to activate it from the install screen and got the following message: ‘The plugin does not have a valid header.’

    When I then went back to my installed plugins, I was able to activate it from there. So the plugin works, but the activation process throws in this confusing message.

  107. Elsa Kiage

    I updated my permalinks but the invitations send to the old url with subfolder. I think easiest to hardcode the url in the invite code? Where can I do that? The Groups invites work correctly.

  108. James

    Thanks for your work on this plugin, unfortunately I cannot get it to work!
    I am running a Genesis site with the Platinum child theme, have installed the plugin (v1.0.7) but when I network activate I get this error message;

    Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /*****/*******/public_html/wp-includes/query.php on line 27

    I really would like to use this plugin, can you help me please?



    1. Boone Gorges Post author

      I’m afraid it’s difficult to diagnose the issue based on that error message alone. Do you have a PHP error log where you might find more detailed information on the error? What I really need is a stack trace, to see where the problem is coming from.

      1. James

        OK I understand. I do not know how to generate either so may be a little time coming back to you.

        Thanks for your reply!

      2. James


        Have been given this as the function which is causing the error;

        function get_query_var($var) {
        global $wp_query;

        return $wp_query->get($var);

        I am unsure if that’s going to help you much!



      3. James

        I don’t know if my earlier message or this one helps but if I try to activate the plugin on a site basis, not network I get the following error message;

        Warning: require(/home/extrafri/public_html/wp-content/plugins/invite-anyone/by-email/by-email-db.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/extrafri/public_html/wp-content/plugins/invite-anyone2/by-email/by-email.php on line 3

        Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required ‘/home/extrafri/public_html/wp-content/plugins/invite-anyone/by-email/by-email-db.php’ (include_path=’.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php’) in /home/extrafri/public_html/wp-content/plugins/invite-anyone2/by-email/by-email.php on line 3

        Do they help you track the problem Boone?


      4. James

        Hi Boone

        Yes I renamed the plugin folder after it crashed on a network activation in order to make WP deactivate the plugin and allow me access to the dashboard.

        I just corrected that and tried a site activation receiving my original error message;

        Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /home/extrafri/public_html/wp-includes/query.php on line 27

        Did you see my earlier post? My hosting company identified the following function from the error log as the culprit;

        function get_query_var($var) {
        global $wp_query;
        return $wp_query->get($var);

        Does that help anymore?


      5. Boone Gorges

        James – Unfortunately, there is a bug in WordPress that causes these sorts of errors to pop up occasionally. I’m afraid there must be some sort of combination of this bug + Genesis that is causing it to come to the fore. In the future I may try to patch this bug for WP, but it’s a long and difficult job.

  109. Ainsworth

    I have installed the plugin, works fine except for the cloudsponge link though it shows does not work. Cloudsponge has indicated that everything is setup right on their end. Do you know what could be the problem? Thanks Ainsworth

    1. Boone Gorges Post author

      Can you be more specific? I don’t quite understand what “it shows does not work” means. What do you see when you try to use it? How is it broken?

      1. Ainsworth

        Ok what I mean is you see the link ‘from your Address Book’ but when you attempt to click on the link for the Cloudsponge box to show, it is broken.

      2. Boone Gorges Post author

        Thanks for the reply, Ainsworth. Try viewing the source of the page and searching for the following two items:

        Are they there?

  110. Kathy Goss

    I am getting this message in the media uploader:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home//public_html/wp-admin/includes/template.php:1657) in /home//public_html/wp-content/plugins/invite-anyone/by-email/by-email.php on line 391

    Also, does this plugin need to be network activated? We have a multisite with BuddyPress root blog as one of the subdirectory sites. Should I just activate on the buddypress site?

  111. Mike Kelly

    Hi Boone,

    Thanks for this plugin, we’ve found it useful. I was wondering if you would consider adding another feature:
    An ‘Add Users From List’ menu option in the Users menu, which would allow the invitation of other network users to join the current blog (not group). This would feature the autocomplete box and directory list you have featured in your Group invites section.

    At the moment we only have the Add User option which requires an email address to be entered. We are finding that groups and group blogs can be confusing for some users. We would like to make it easier to enroll other users into a blog without having to go via groups.

    I could have a shot at doing this myself but I know that you would be able to do it 382% faster.

    Interesting to see your comments on Blackboard by the way – I’m in the same boat here.
    Best wishes,

    P.S. I contributed to the group blogs plugin under the name Lemmy 😉

  112. Michael

    Hi Boone

    Thanks for this plugin. Works well with BP, easy to use, and combined with another p[lugin – wp-better emails – it’s producing really smart looking invitations!

    Minor problem – the ‘opt out’ link goes to my 404 error page. I’ve tried completely uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin, in case it’s caused by me playing with something I shouldn’t have, but it hasn’t cured the problem. Any ideas?

    [ The entrepreneur in me thinks ‘who cares? If someone opts out they won’t be a customer anyway’. The cynic in me wonders if that’s kinda the point … and who needs an opt-out page anyway! 🙂 ]

    1. Michael

      Just thought I’d update, in case others have a similar ‘problem’.

      Found out what it was … my fault! Moved the ‘register’ page to be a sub-page of ‘members’. Invite-anyone didn’t know that. There’s probably a clever way to hack invite-anyone to point opt outs to the new place … or you could just leave well alone 🙂

  113. Felipe Cavalcanti

    Hi Guys,

    I would like to send you pt_BR translation and to ask if it´s possible to use personalized cloudsponge widget language with the plugin.

    Thanks and regards, Felipe

    1. Boone Gorges Post author

      Felipe – You’re welcome to email a translation to boone AT gorg -dot- es.

      I’m not sure about the personalized CS widget. Is that an official CS feature? If so, you can probably just modify IA to load your JavaScript instead of CS’s.

  114. stefano

    I’ve tried to install it from the dashboard, after copying the file from ftp, but I obtain the same result:
    site blocked and inaccessible – dashboard inaccessible.
    only way to solve the problem: delete the folder from ftp.
    Where can I try to find the solution?
    thank you
    (wp 3.3.1 – bp 1.5.5)

  115. Rich

    Hi Boone,

    I really like the potential for you plugin on my site, but I’m having issues sending invites. Whenever try to send an invite its not sending to the person I’m inviting. I checked my spam and hosting provider to make sure that wasn’t the cause of the issue. Is there something that I need to do to fix this. I really like this plugin and would love to start using it. Please let me know.


  116. Franklin

    Hi, I am also having issues with not getting emails sent with the IA. All other mail functions are working and do send emails. I am not sure what could be happening here. The site I am attempting to do it for is not live to the public. I have it as a subdomain for now. I am testing out buddypress and will be migrating from Jomsocial. any thoughts why emails invites are not going out?

  117. Michael

    Maybe it’s just me or something I’ve done, but thought I should let you know in case not.

    WP: 3.3.2; Invite Anyone 1.0.12

    No html is working / showing in the ‘body’ section of the emails being sent out. Works fine though if I transfer the same text to the ‘footer’.

    Kinda weird. Fairly sure I’m using a totally ‘clean’ version of Invite Anyone … hmmm, OK, except for deleting the ===s 🙂

  118. HansRuedi Keller

    Hello Boone
    Tried to activate v1.0.12 with WP 3.3.2 and BP 1.5.5 – and got «Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in …/public_html/…/wp-includes/query.php on line 27». Hhmmm…

  119. BJ Kitchin

    Hi Boone, thank you immensely for your work. This plugin is great. I have a question, I am getting the following error:

    Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, function ‘mysite_dependencies’ not found or invalid function name in /home/healthyr/public_html/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 405

    Otherwise it seems to be working great. The invite is sent and received and the the links back are correct. I wanted to let you know about this error incase its a bug. If you have time to comment about how I might fix it, I would be humbly appreciative.

    Warm regards,


    1. Boone Gorges Post author

      Hi BJ. The function that is causing your error (mysite_dependencies) does not appear in Invite Anyone. Search your codebase, using a tool like Grep, to see if you can locate the plugin that’s throwing your error.

  120. vicky

    Hi BG,

    Congrats for the awesome plugin i must say.

    Had a small query. Where can i edit the Email Invite & Custom Invite Message ‘ Text Box’ Height. First one is too large while the latter is a bit small. Tried fiddling with css, but couldnt get hold of right function. Will appreciate your help on this.


  121. liz

    Dear Boone,

    I really like the idea of the plugin. However I have installed and activated it, then added the widget to a sidebar. I have sent two invitations but they never arrived at the recipient addresses ( I have checked they were correct). I am using the Mingle theme on this site. How can I check this out?

    Also if I invite someone does this mean that for them to respond I must allow registration, currently users need to log in to my site and I would like to keep it that way because it is a small group of friends and not appropriiate to open it up except to a few additional invited friends. In a perfect world I’d like to invite someone and when they arrive they are asked to create their profile, they should be members only. Is this possible?

    Thank you…………….. liz

  122. poorvi

    After installing the plugin “Invite Anyone” there is a conflict with inviting people to join Groups. Basically, the group invites don’t go out unless the “invite anyone” plugin is deactivated. I need to be able to send group invites with the “invite anyone” plugin installed.

    how can we solve this problem

  123. Chris

    Love the plugin. Having a small issue. My avatar is set to 25px by 63px. In Internet Explorer only, my avatars are showing up as 40px by 107px. Have you ran across this? Do you have any advice?


      1. Quaid

        Is Invite Anyone linked with cubepoints? I cannot see any link of Invite Anyone under cubepoint menu and vis-a-versa.

  124. Talley Mulligan

    IA looks great and I would love to use it, but I can’t seem to get it to work for emailed invitations (to non blog members) whether I define the slug in wp-config.php or not. They weren’t defined by default, but I actually added the code as outlined in just to see if it would reveal anything new.

    I also tried looking for the code that generates the %%ACCEPTURL%%, but no luck I’m afraid. No matter what I do, the plug-in continues to generate links to pages that don’t exist that result in Page Not Found errors.

    What do I need to do to get it working?

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

  125. SolitaryDread

    Oops, what just happened?

    Last night I upgraded to the latest version of your plugin and somehow it has broken the ability to post to the blog. Everything worked fine before the upgrade, though now when I go to view all posts or add a new post all I get is a blank screen, no error message. If I deactivate ‘invite anyone’ everything works as normal!

    Please help as ‘invite anyone’ is a fundamental aspect of my site… the general blog is open to everybody, though the community is accessible by members only, and new memberships are only available through invitation by an existing member…

      1. SolitaryDread

        The only plugin I updated yesterday was invite anyone, and I’ve never had this problem before.. tried rolling back to 1.0.16 but again, as soon as I activate the plugin, the same error occurs.

        I have checked the error log, though it doesn’t display anything after 25/10/12, and this error occurred yesterday, and today, though only when invite anyone is active. The error pertained to a plugin that has since been deleted.

        I have no idea what’s happening, though must admit that I’m a bit of a wp noob… managed to build this site mainly through trial and error! In fact, till you mentioned it, I didn’t even know that there was an error log!

        Any ideas as to how to fix this would be greatly appreciated!

      2. SolitaryDread

        Further tinkering has led me to believe that it is a conflict with the Jetpack Plugin.

        With Jetpack deactivated and invite-anyone active, no problem.
        With Jetpack active and invite anyone deactivated, no problem,
        with Jetpack and invite-anyone both active, my ability to view, add, or edit posts dies!

        Also, when I look at Buddypress Invites I get

        Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 67108864 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 122880 bytes) in /home/xxxxxxx/public_html/wp-admin/menu-header.php on line 98

        Even with all other plugins deactivated, I get the error when invite anyone and jetpack are both active.

        This is very strange, as they were both working well together until last night! Jetpack updated a few days ago, though there were no problems until yesterdays update to 1.0.17… ???

      3. Boone Gorges

        Looks like this is a memory issue – in your case, either Jetpack or Invite Anyone the straws that are breaking the camel’s back, the plugins that push you just over your memory limit.

        You might want to follow some of the advice at If none of that works, look through your plugins to find ones that you are no longer using, and make sure that they are deactivated (every little plugin adds a bit to your memory overhead).

  126. bjkitchin

    I had a similar problem with Jetpack. I also run Invite Anyone too and up graded. My hosting company upgraded PHP at the same time I was upgrading a plugin which made me think it was me… it was them. My problem was also with posts and more specifically the comments from addin from JP.

    Here is what I did and it fixed it =

    fix: replace
    =& new
    = new

    But before you go doing that, I recommend see the article I got it from,

    My only testimony is it worked for me!

    1. SolitaryDread

      thanks, but I have no idea what to do with that! I checked the link, and my error logs and PHP Depreciated doesn’t appear anywhere… I don’t know that this would help even if I did know where to put it!

  127. Adjunkten

    Hello Boone, thankyou for a nice plugin, which I use in a non-profit educational website for teachers.

    My invitation links are surrounded by strange quotationmarks – they are not broken, but you have to copy-paste the link in a new browserwindow, to follow them.

    Can you help me fix this?

    WP 3.5, BP

    Kind regards

  128. alexis

    hello Boone,
    thank you for your plugin Invite Anyone. i am having difficulty changing the default invitation text. i have tried changing it inside the plugin settings. and i have tried changing it in the BP invitations text panel. both to no avail. the default message just keeps getting sent. any idea what could be preventing the changes from taking place.

    this is the content i want and set up in the settings page:

    An invitation to join ….

    You have been invited to join our community.
    To accept this invitation, please visit %%ACCEPTURL%%

    To opt out of future invitations to this site, please visit %%OPTOUTURL%%

    running latest versions of both wordpress and buddypress. please help.


  129. alexis

    further clarification of my previous question/issue. the default email settings seem to be only for the “invite anyone” that is not a member. whereas i am using the feature to invite members to join groups. how do i change the message in that email. i am not interested in linking it to a specific person as in “One of your friends … has invited you to the group: ….”

    thank you Boone for any guidance you can give.


  130. Pingback: Cómo construir una red social como las de NING pero sin gastar un céntimo : El ojo crítico

  131. rubis

    Hello I have the last update (Version 1.0.21) and still have a problem with the page accept and refuse futur invitation.

    “…You have been invited to join our community.
    To accept this invitation, please visit %%ACCEPTURL%%

    To opt out of future invitations to this site, please visit %%OPTOUTURL%%…”

    What should i do to resolve it ?
    Thank you

  132. Biswadip Dasgupta

    Thanks for the plugin. Unfortunately it seems to bring up our login page at the bottom of the window when an invite is sent the first time (after a couple of attempts it seems to work fine). Is this happening because we have a custom login page and is there anything we can do to make it work better? Thanks for your help

  133. michael

    Group created successfully won’t translate. i have translated the string in the po.file, but it dosen’t work

  134. Ivan Dyakov

    Hi! I have updated Russian Translation for Invite Anyone and noticed a few problems with it. Where I can send the files to?

  135. alex


    Great work, and great thanks.
    I am from China, and I have tested Invited Anyone for several months, and it works stable.
    I am just thinking about whether you need Chinese tranlantion, if you need I will do it.
    Also I can put your website on our sites to show thanks credit for your work if you like.

    Please feel free to let me know what you think, thanks again, nice day.

    1. Boone Gorges Post author

      Hi Alex – Please feel free to send the translation to my gmail address (boonebgorges). No need to link to my site from yours, though you are welcome to do so if you’d like. Thanks!

  136. Carly

    I’ve installed invite anyone and activated cloudsponge. I’ve done the test on ‘cloudsponge’ tab and it appears to be working fine. However, when I go to front end and click on ‘invite anyone’ the option to ‘add email addresses from your address book’ link is not showing.

  137. Justin Draplin

    I’ve installed the plugin and am trying to use cloud sponge as recommended. I have a cloud sponge account and have activated and put in the key. I’ve also tried that test in the backend. However, I can’t get any changes to show up on the website. It’s exactly the same as it was before. Is there any additional troubleshooting/ documentation available to get that integration to work? thanks.

    1. Boone Gorges Post author

      Hi Justin – You should see an “Import contacts from my address book” link below the Addresses box on your profile > Send Invites.

      If you don’t, can you share more info about your setup? What theme are you using?

  138. Sean

    Hi Boone!

    Huge fan of this pluggin, its amazing. I thought you might want to know the current buddypress 2.7 knocked the initial invite anyone page out, so now the page links directly to the “email someone” page rather then “choose a member” I have this installed on 4 sites and they all went down,
    Im going to try and find the solution, buddypress is working on more updates so il update here if I find anything too.
    Many thanks

  139. Olivier Bourgeois

    We have some bugs in a multilingual site

    1) Impossible to translate the invitation email content for the different languages (string does not appear in WPML)

    2) For the Widget, the title is correctly displayed in different languages but not the “Text to display in widget”

    If someone can help to solve …
    Best regards

  140. Olivier Bourgeois

    Another problem:
    If you are using Invite ina Buddypress with subscription (PMPro by example) the %%ACCEPTURL%% url is not working because any access to the site is redirected to the registration page
    In this situation you can change in the invitation email, and ask the user to connect to rthe registration page, he will register manually but the invitation will stay with a status “not validate”

    What is the solution ?

    Best regards

    1. Boone Gorges Post author

      Hi Olivier –

      Thanks for reporting these issues.

      1) Impossible to translate the invitation email content for the different languages (string does not appear in WPML)

      Which piece of “content” do you mean? Part of the content is stored in the database, because it can be edited by the administrator. The default text is ‘You have been invited by %%INVITERNAME%%…’, and it should be available in the language files. It’s also possible for users to type a “custom_message” when sending invitations – this, of course, will not be available to translate (though there is an admin option to disable the ability to modify the text, if you need to enforce it)

      2) For the Widget, the title is correctly displayed in different languages but not the “Text to display in widget”

      After the first time this text is saved, it’s stored in the database, so it wouldn’t be run through translation functions. Would it be helpful to have a filter on this text, so that it could be hardcoded for multilingual sites? (If I did this, I’d disable the ability to modify the text in Dashboard > Widgets, since it’d be overridden by the filter value.)

      In this situation you can change in the invitation email, and ask the user to connect to rthe registration page, he will register manually but the invitation will stay with a status “not validate”

      You can activate the invitation in code using the function invite_anyone_activate_user(). After the new user is created via your custom registration page, do this: invite_anyone_activate_user( $user_id, null, null );

  141. Dennis Jover

    Hi there,

    Thanks for this awesome plugin, really solves the invitation problem within the BP+WP Multiuser installation! Just a question though, how do we change the sender name from “WordPress” to the site’s name and the sender email from wordress@[domain name] to a designated email address?

    Thanks in advance!

  142. Olivier Bourgeois

    Thanks but thes answer are not acceptable for a real multilingual site
    Each string has to be define by “__( …)” to be available by example in translation plugin like WPML
    Perhaps you should have a look how other plugin editor are managing this
    Ba example “Event Manager” you have in the admin interface all string on pages and email parts that are directly available in the admin interface.
    As you do the strings are not declared correctly, stored in the database. You can overwrite it for use in another language but not in a multilingual site with may languages.


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