I’ve spent a lucky thirteen years in New York City, but my time here is drawing to a close. My wonderful wife is entering a PhD program at the University of Chicago in the fall, so this summer we’ll be trading the First City for the Second.
I’m trying to untangle my thoughts about leaving my adopted New York and returning to my native Midwest. It’s heartbreaking, thrilling, terrifying, a huge relief. For the moment, I can say with confidence that I am excited to be relocating to a city that’s served as the setting for so many great theme songs. Nothing’s gonna stop me now!
Congratulations to Reba and best wishes for your reentry to the Midwest. We’re glad to have you back, even if you’re still 42,000th on the Packers season ticket waiting list.
Finally, you’ll get to have some real pizza!
Dude, I swear I must be in the 20000s by now.
Good luck, Boone. But they call it the second city for a reason
Oh, you would say that, the Reverend of C.H.U.D.s.
Good luck. Three important words about Chicago: Harold’s Chicken Shack.
Three letters: OMG.
I applaud your thoroughness in researching what the best kind of pizza is. Good luck with the move!
Good luck with the move. We should high five each other as we pass in opposite directions.
I’ll be the guy on I-80 with his arm hanging out of a 2003 Buick.
Keep on moving West! Pizza is one thing, but there is a world of Chicago BBQ to discover.
Happy moving to you and the family. I like when possible to run some cross country travel by train, and Chi-town is a great point to take a break. Hope to catch up soon.
The BBQ!!! Hope to see you when you pass through Chicago, Alan!
Sad to hear you are leaving NYC, but exciting to hear you are going to the city with the best pizza in the world.
Are you trying to provoke petty quarrels? No chance. I’m a culinary ecumenical.
I’m just catching up on my feeds for the week. Congrats to Reba, and good luck with the move!